"FYI – The US Census Bureau has released the 2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Manual online. Please see the link below. You can download the manual for free as a PDF file. With its inception in 1997, NAICS replaced the existing classification of each country—the Standard Industrial Classification (1980) of Canada, the Mexican Classification of Activities and Products (1994), and the Standard Industrial Classification (1987) of the United States. Since 1997, the countries have collaborated in producing five-year revisions to NAICS in order to keep the classification system current with changes in economic activities. NAICS was originally developed to provide a consistent framework for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of industrial statistics used by government policy analysts, by academics and researchers, by the business community, and by the public.
You can also use the NAICS Search function on the left side of the webpage to look for specific code information. Some of the NAICS codes have changed with new revisions. This would be a good time to check that your site’s NAICS code is still valid, so you’ll submit accurate information in your site’s VPP self-evaluation injury rate comparisons at the end of the year."