The 2017 Region II Conference was held Monday, June 26th, 2017, through Wednesday, June 28th, 2017, at the Tropicana Casino and Resort in Atlantic City.
Winner of the 2018 registration:
Russell Gaston of Covanta Essex
This year's AED recipient:
2017 SGE Training

2017 Region II SGE Class at Covanta Essex, Newark, NJ, with OSHA Area Director Kris Hoffman!

Certificate of Appreciation
Shown in photo: OSHA Area Director Kris Hoffman presenting a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Jim Rue of Covanta for hosting the 2017 Region II SGE Class at Covanta Essex, Newark, NJ.
Meeting Minutes
Region 2 VPPPA Membership Meeting -- December 1, 2017 -- Lake Placid, NY
Membership Meeting: Dec. 1st, 2017, started at 3:30pm. Meeting was opened by Robert Byrnes. Motion by Kevin M. to open meeting at 3:00 pm, motion seconded by Kevin O’Brien.
Board Members in Attendance: Robert Byrnes, Kevin O’Brien, Kevin Mihalenko, Paul Kniskern, John Bawiec
Board Members Absent: Brenda Wiederkehr, Brian Bennett, William DePuy, Michael Bell, Dominic Bruno, Tristen Dougher
Secretary’s Report: A review of the minutes from the Region 2 conference was posted to the website. A motion by Paul Kniskern, seconded by John Bawiec to approve minutes as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Assets for fiscal year end 6/30/17 were handed out with the balance sheets. A motion to approve the financial report was made by Bob Byrnes, seconded by Paul Kniskern.
Labor Management Committee: Billy DePuy was not present.
Mentoring Committee: Kevin Mihalenko and John Bawiec are currently mentoring Burberry in NJ.
AED Committee: AED Fund report: Brenda Wiederkehr was not present
Chairman’s Report: Robert Byrnes discussed the upcoming 2018 Region 2 conferences and the new format we are rolling out. Two Safety forums will be held a day and a half each, one in Atlantic City, NJ and one in Saratoga, NY. The goal is to reach more people and boost attendance by giving people an opportunity to make at least one of the safety forums.
Elections: There were no notifications sent in to run for open positions.
Awards: None at this time
Other Business -
New Business: Kevin O’Brien e-mailed the calling list for the 2018 conferences, please make the assigned calls.
Kevin O’Brien made a motion to close the meeting, seconded by Kevin Mihalenko. Meeting was adjourned at 3:57pm.
Meeting held according to Roberts Rules of Order.
Minutes submitted by: Kevin Mihalenko, Secretary
Region 2 VPPPA Membership Meeting -- June 26, 2017
Brian Bennet made a motion to open the membership meeting at 1610. It was seconded by Paul Kniskern. The chairman, Brenda Wiederkehr, welcomed all to the annual meeting of the membership and reviewed the proposed meeting agenda.
Robert Brynes presented the secretary’s report and minutes from membership meeting on January 9th, 2017.
Brian Bennet made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting and the motion was seconded by Kevin O’Brien.
Kevin O’Brien presented the treasurers report. He identified that the businesses finances were audited last year and no abnormalities were discovered. He reviewed the balance sheets and identified that when the books were closed for this financial year they would show a higher income than normal. This was caused by moving the conference to the end of June. The billing for the conference would not be received until after the end of the fiscal year (June 30).
Brian Bennet made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Normal Dietch.
Brenda Wiederkehr presented the labor report in William DePuys absence.
Kevin O’Brien present the mentoring report and it was identified that there would be at least two new sites that were applying for VPP would need mentoring.
Brenda Wiederkehr presented the AED fund report. The fund presented an AED this year to a site in New Jersey. Brenda identified that anyone who knew a site or community that needed an AED should submit a request to the board for review.
Brenda Wiederkehr then held the elections.
There was only one candidate for the Vice-Chairman position – Robert Brynes, Brenda Wiederkehr cast vote for Robert Brynes as Vice Chairman.
There was only one candidate for the secretary position – Keven Mihalenko. Brenda Wiederkehr cast vote for Kevin Mihalenko.
There were three director at large positions open and three candidates – William Depuy, Brian Bennet, and John Bawiec. Brenda Wiederkehr cast one vote for William Depuy, Brian Bennet, and John Bawiec.
Kevin O’Brien presented the bylaw changes. He highlighted the sections that we modified, how they were modified, and the reason for the modifications. Dominic Bruno made a motion to accept the changes and it was seconded by Mike Bell.
Kevin asked for a show of hands for approval with all members approving. Kevin asked for a show of hands for anyone not approving with zero hands raised.
A motion to adjourn was made by Brian Bennet and seconded by Dominic Bruno.
The meeting was closed at 1656 on June 26, 2017.