Our Past VPPPA Region II Conferences
On this page you will be able to find all information about our past conferences. If you want information about our next VPPPA Region II Conference please click here.
2015 Annual VPPPA Region II Conference
2014 Annual VPPPA Region II Conference
VPPPA Region II Conference 2015
June 1, 2015 Atlantic City, NJ
We thank you for making our conference a succesful event this past year. We brought some of the best in safety and health experts that has as a mission to create safer environments for their peers and colleagues. We look forward to seeing you at our next Region II VPPPA Safety & Health Conference at the Tropicana Casino in Atlantic City, NJ on May 23-25 2016. Here you will find any information you may need, but in case you have any questions or sugestions please contact us by email or call us at (518)782-2200, we will be happy to help you.
Members in Attendance
Executive Board Members in Attendance:
Brenda Wiederkehr – Chairperson
Tom Aurelia – Vice-Chairperson
Joe Whalen – Treasurer
Robert Brynes - Secretary
Directors in Attendance:
Dale Long
Tracy Cook-Fitzpatrick
William DePuy
Perry O’Neil
Brian Bennet
Paul Kniskern
Kevin O’Brian
Meeting Minutes
Motion to open meeting made by Tracy Cook-Fitzpatrick
Motion seconded by Joe Whalen
Chairman recognized Tom Aurelia for 17 years dedication to the board and presented an Emeritus title on him.
Motion to approve minutes from last meeting by Joe Whalen
Motion was seconded by Tracey Cook-Fitzpatrick
Treasurer report submitted by Joe Whalen
Motion to accept the Treasurer report was made by Dale Long
Motion was seconded by Perry O’Neil
Laborer report submitted by Billy DePuy
Mentoring report submitted by Tracy Cook-Fitzpatrick
Chairperson identified voting would be open for the position of Vice Chairperson
Nomination for Vice Chairman 1st call was Dale Long
2nd call for nominations for Chairperson was made
3rd call for nominations for Chairperson was made
Single vote for Dale Long for Vice-Chairperson was made by Brenda Wiederkehr
Nomination for Secretary 1st call was Robert Brynes
2nd call for nominations for Secretary was made
3rd call for nominations for Secretary was made
Single vote for Robert Brynes for Secretary was made by Brenda Wiederkehr
Chairperson identified voting would be open for four (4) Director at Large Positions.
Nominations for Director at Large – Perry O’Neil, Billy DePuy, Brian Bennet, and Kevin O’Brian.
Single vote for Director at Large positions – Perry O’Neil, Billy DePuy, Brian Bennet, and Kevin O’Brian
Brian identified alternate schedule for conference.
Brian Bennet made a motion to close the meeting, seconded by Paul Kniskern. Meeting was adjourned at 1:20 pm.
Meeting held according to Roberts Rules of Order.
Minutes submitted by: Robert Brynes, Secretary
VPPPA Region II Conference 2014
August 26, 2014 Atlantic City, NJ
We thank you for making our conference a succesful event this pasts years. We brought some of the best in safety and health experts that has as a mission to create safer environments for their peers and colleagues. We look forward to seeing you at our next Region II VPPPA Safety & Health Conference at the Tropicana Casino in Atlantic City, NJ on May 23-25 2016. Here you will find any information you may need, but in case you have any questions or sugestions please contact us by email or call us at (518)782-2200, we will be happy to help you.
Members in Attendance
Executive Board Members in Attendance:
Joe Whalen
Brenda Wiederkehr
Perry O’Neil
Rich Brown
Brian Bennett
Tracy Cook
Kevin Obrien
Board Members Absent:
Tom Auerlia,
Billy DePuy
Dale Long
Meeting Minutes
Region 2 Business Meeting: August 26, 2014, started at 1:30pm.
Meeting was opened by Brenda, Motion Perry O'Neil to open meeting at 1:30 pm, motion seconded by Kevin Mihalenko.
Secretary’s Report
A review of the June 2014 minutes was undertaken. A motion by Tim Dooley, seconded by Kevin O'Brien to approve minutes as written.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasure’s Report is not complete as all expenses from the conference are not in yet.
Outreach Committee
No Report
VPP Update
Rich Brown gave a report on the status of VPP in Region 2.
Labor Management Committee
Billy DePuy not present nothing to report.
Mentoring Committee
No Report
AED Committee
AED Fund report: Brenda Wiederkehr spoke about the fund, what AED is, what contributions have been made.
Chairman’s Report
Brenda discussed the Annual Conference in Atlantic City in June 2015
New Business
There was an open floor for new business: no new business to discuss.
Kevin O'Brien made a motion to close the meeting, seconded by Tracy Cook. Meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm.
Meeting held according to Roberts Rules of Order. Minutes submitted by: Joe Whalen, Treasurer