"Please join OSHA Region 2 Compliance Assistance Specialists on Monday, August 29th, at 10:00 AM for the second annual kick-off webinar for Labor Rights Week.
The purpose of this important initiative is to ensure our Nation’s vulnerable workers are informed and educated about their workplace rights.
Pre-registration for this event is mandatory and available via the link below: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/osha-region-2-labor-rights-week-kick-off-tickets-406350554447
The central message for this kick-off is providing a safe, healthy and retaliation/discrimination free workplace for ALL! This one (1) hour webinar will include opening remarks from our OSHA Region 2 Administrator, Richard Mendelson, information from OSHA’s Whistleblower Protection Program regarding anti-discrimination or retaliation protections afforded to workers, worker protections offered by USDOL Wage & Hour Division, comments from Labor Rights Advocate Groups, and finally, a review of a bilingual Labor Rights Week Messaging Campaign formatted for use in short format messaging (i.e., text, Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp) for your distribution throughout the week.
Thank you in advance for promoting these important issues, taking part in this campaign and providing your vulnerable workers with information about the Safe & Healthful workplaces they deserve.
Our efforts don’t end with Labor Rights Week - we are available to support your organizations outreach and educational efforts throughout the year.
Please feel free to contact our OSHA Region 2 Compliance Assistance Specialists via email at R2OSHA.outreach@dol.gov"