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A Letter from ISEA & VPPPA: Donating Surplus PPE for Healthcare Workers

"Dear VPPPA Members and Friends,

Our nation faces a critical task. We must protect our healthcare workers, first responders, and all essential workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic response. While the industry has stepped forward with an historic effort to increase supply of the necessary protective equipment, shortages persist. We hope the VPPPA membership can help with this effort.

The International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) believes your foresight and planning for the safety of your workers may help with the effort to protect COVID-19 responders. We are joining with VPPPA to ask that you inventory your PPE and, if possible, donate any surplus to help healthcare workers in your communities stay healthy and safe..."

See the attached images for the rest of this letter from Charles Johnson, President, ISEA and J.A. Rodrigues, Jr., Chairman, VPPPA.

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