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Tomorrow is the last day to volunteer for reviewing VPP Self-Evaluations!

SGE Participation Opportunity - Reviewing VPP Self-Evaluations

Region 2 SGEs:

Similar to the last four years, Region 2 is going to provide a limited number of opportunities for SGEs to review VPP annual self-evaluation reports. We anticipate having opportunities for approximately 15 SGEs. Slots will be assigned first come / first serve. Reviewing VPP self-evaluations is considered a Qualifying Activity for SGEs (reference information provided below my signature block).

SGEs will be vetted by the OSHA National Office and the specific VPP participants before reviewing any self-evaluation reports, following the same procedures we use prior to VPP onsite evaluations. So there is the possibility an SGE may be disqualified from this activity if they have a conflict of interest with the VPP sites among the available pool of VPP self-evaluations. FYI - Last year, we were able to match all 14 SGE volunteers with appropriate assignments.

Volunteer SGEs will participate in a one-hour training webinar covering the review process and documentation requirements. Each SGE volunteer will be given five (5) VPP self-evaluation reports to review. For each report, the SGE will complete a spreadsheet to document the review and then make short feedback phone calls to their assigned VPP sites. Once all of the reviews are completed, we’ll have a brief conference call for the SGEs to report their common findings. SGEs will be given 30 days to complete the reviews, so you’ll have flexibility on when and where to complete the work. NOTE: SGEs will not be utilized to review self-evaluations from PSM-covered VPP sites or VPP sites in a One-Year Conditional or Two-Year Rate Reduction Plan status.

If you’d like to volunteer to perform VPP self-evaluation reviews this year, please reply to me via email no later than FRI 17 JAN 2020 ( ).

Thank you for your service as Special Government Employees.


The SGE term of service is a three-year time period. Individuals wishing to continue participation must reapply every three years. In order for an SGE to be reapproved, the SGE must have been actively involved in the VPP during his/her previous term of service. To gain reapproval, the SGE must have performed a minimum of three (3) qualifying activities outlined in Chapter 2 of the recently revised Special Government Employee (SGE) Program Policies and Procedures Manual (DIRECTIVE NUMBER: CSP 03-01-004, EFFECTIVE DATE: July 30, 2015). The hyperlink below is provided as a reference:

Copied from Chapter 2 (highlight added):

In order for an SGE to be reapproved, the SGE must have been actively involved in the VPP within his/her previous term of service. To gain reapproval, the SGE must have performed a minimum of three (3) Qualifying Activities. One of the three Qualifying Activities must have been participation on a VPP On-site Evaluation Team.

1. Qualifying Activities include the following: a. Participate on a VPP On-site Evaluation Team (minimum requirement of one). b. Assist the Regional VPP Manager with the review of a site’s VPP application. c. Assist the Regional VPP Manager with the review of VPP sites’ annual self-evaluation report. d. Serve as an instructor/co-instructor for the SGE Course. e. Serve as an instructor/co-instructor for the VPP Application Workshop. f. Provide on-site mentoring to a potential or reapproving VPP site. g. Present a VPP or related safety and health topic at a Regional or National VPPPA Conference.

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