Speaker: Tony Kaczkowski, MHCA, MLS, LAT/ATC, CEES
CSO of Briotrix Health
"Employees are consistently coached on how to lift and move safely to avoid injury. But are your employees truly understanding why they should follow these recommendations in the Real World? This presentation is an interactive look at the musculoskeletal system and provides coaching techniques that can be used to train your team to move safely in the most efficient way possible. Using these techniques, companies can improve employee health, reduce recordables, and minimize future risk of injury.
Learning Objectives:
• Attendees will understand the psychological, sociological, and economic barriers in accessing today’s healthcare systems.
• Attendees will comprehend the basics of general stretching and strengthening exercises to address discomfort, reduce the risk of injury, and improve overall health.
• Attendees will learn biomechanical coaching tools and how they will assist in the prevention of the common injuries in a workplace." https://www.vpppa.org/education/calendar/event-details?eventID=5432