Region 2 VPP Sites:
"The OSHA National Office is drafting the FY2019 SGE training course schedule. We are currently looking for a VPP Site in Region 2 that would like to host a SGE course. We'd need a room large enough for about 20 people for three consecutive days (TUE-THR). We’d also perform a mock VPP walkthrough of the site with the course participants for an hour or so on the second day. We’ve found that running the class in the 3rd quarter helps increase attendance, since the course will be posted on the OSHA SGE website for several months before the application deadline. We plan to run the class in the first week of April (TUE 02 APR 2019 – THR 04 APR 2019).
In recent years Region 2 has conducted:
1. 2015 SGE Course at IBM in Yorktown Heights, New York
2. 2016 SGE Course at Access Health in Latham, New York
3. 2017 SGE Course at Covanta Essex in Newark, New Jersey
4. 2018 SGE Course at Curtis Lumber in Ballston Spa, New York
If you’d like to add your VPP site’s name to this prestigious list, please respond by FRI 22 JUN 2018. We’d like to announce the location at Region 2 VPPPA’s Summer Safety Forum in Atlantic City on MON 25 JUN 2018. And if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. (Brown.Richard@dol.gov)
Thank you for participating in the Voluntary Protection Program."