Region 2 VPP Sites:
The 2021 VPP self-evaluation template is now available (please see the attached DOC file). The due date for all VPP participants to submit their completed 2021 VPP Self-evaluation is TUE 15 FEB 2022. Please email the completed file to both myself and Ms. Greta Olsson ( olsson.greta@dol.gov ).
VPP sites covered by OSHA’s Process Safety Management standard are also required to submit the attached 2021 PSM Supplement B (please see the attached XLSX file). Eight (8) of our current Region 2 VPP Sites have PSM-covered processes. This year the OSHA National Office has extended the due date for the 2021 PSM Supplement B submission by two weeks (until TUE 01 MAR 2022) to allow those PSM-covered sites some more time to compile their PSM data. Please email the completed file to both myself and Greta.
Note that changes have been made to both templates, so please use these attached files for your submission. Any submissions using previous versions of the VPP self-evaluation templates will be returned to the site for correction and re-submission.
Similar to past years, we will conduct a free webinar for Region 2 VPP participants to review the templates and answer any questions you may have on THR 06 JAN 2022 at 10:00. (We’ll open the webinar at 09:45 to allow everyone plenty of time to login. The presentation will start at 10:00.) Copied below is the WebEx login and call information.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
9:45 AM | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) | 2 hrs
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2760 276 6673
Meeting password: pCNd3wVH2Y7
Join by phone
1-877-465-7975 US Toll Free
1-210-795-0506 US Toll
In case the green “Join Meeting” link above does not work when you select it, here is a link you can cut / paste into your browser:
I have attached the 2020 BLS injury averages for everyone’s reference. I have also attached an injury rate calculator to help verify your calculations before submission to OSHA. We will review both files during the webinar. We’ve scheduled two hours for the webinar, but in prior years the webinar has been completed in 40-50 minutes. I will try recording the webinar so everyone will be able to view the recording later. If you have any questions prior to the instructional webinar, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for participating in the Voluntary Protection Program.