Region 2 VPP Sites:
"FYI – These free journal articles (accessible through the email chain below) may interest sites with fire brigades and emergency response teams.
Thank you for participating in the Voluntary Protection Program."
"Access 10 Essential Firefighter Safety Articles
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene often publishes papers concerning firefighter safety, such as "Effect of Station-specific Alerting and Ramp-up Tones on Firefighters' Alarm Time Heart Rates,". October 8th and 9th is the 35th Annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend, which honors firefighters who died in the line of duty during the previous year.
In honor of this weekend, Taylor & Francis in partnership with the American Industrial Hygiene Association® (https://www.aiha.org/Pages/default.aspx) and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists® (http://www.acgih.org), is presenting an article collection on firefighter safety. The collection, consisting of 10 vital articles, will be available as free access until December 31, 2016. Please download and share this critical research!"
(This is shared from an email sent to the Region 2 VPP Sites from Richard F. Brown, CSP, CFPS, VPP Manager, US DOL OSHA)