"The following information is shared from the US Fire Administration (please see the email chain below).
Please consider passing it along to your coworkers, contractors, and colleagues.
Counterfeit respirators: what you need to know
Save this image and share it on your social media accounts to increase awareness about how to identify counterfeit respirators that are making their way into the market during the COVID-19 pandemic."
COVID-19 Resource Update
April 24, 2020
"This message from the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) includes critical and emergent resources for fire and EMS on the COVID-19 response. The COVID-19 outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation. USFA will update information through this email list at least once each week.
Visit the USFA's website for additional COVID-19 resources for fire and EMS.
Subscribe to the USFA COVID-19 email list."
Featured resources
Agencies and organizations
· COVID-19 Pandemic Response Resources. Information for providers, families and leadership. Uniformed Services University Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress.
· Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Grief during COVID-19. NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins discusses the stress and anxiety that people are feeling from COVID-19 with Dr. Joshua Gordon, Director of NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health. National Institutes of Health.
· Stress and Coping. Tips for coping with stress that will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
· Topic Collection: COVID-19 Behavioral Health Resources. A collection of resources created by federal agencies and their partners to help healthcare providers, caregivers and the general population prepare for and manage the negative behavioral effects that can accompany a public health emergency. ASPR Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange.
This is a portion of the email that was sent. To receive these emails, visit: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDHSFA/subscriber/new?pop=t&topic_id=USDHSFA_114