"Region 2 SGEs:
Please see the email chain below. Our Alaska State Plan partners have an upcoming need of an IH SGE on the 12-16 AUG 2019 VPP evaluation at Trident Seafoods in Ketchikan, AK. If you are interested in participating, please contact Mr. Damerow directly (scott.damerow@alaska.gov).
Thank you for your service as a Special Government Employee."
"Subject: SGE Needed - Alaska
I am in need of a SGE trained as an Industrial Hygeinist for an upcoming VPP site visit in Alaska. We are short-staffed, and the IH we have is not able to attend. I have reached out to Region IX and X, and am looking into other regions that may have interested SGEs.
Visit information:
Company: Trident Seafoods
Address: 720 Stedman Street, Ketchikan, AK, 99901
Visit Dates: August 12-16, 2019
SGE Needed: Industrial Hygienist
My contact info is in my signature line, below"
Thank you,
Scott Damerow
Safety Consultant
Alaska Occupational Safety and Health
Consultation and Training
1251 Muldoon Rd, Suite 109
Anchorage, AK 99504