Region 2 VPP Sites: Please see the email below from Mr. Sherman Williamson, Director of the Office of Partnerships and Recognition (OPR) in the OSHA National Office. Last night (4/6) updates were made to the online VPP Self-evaluation system that should fix some of the common problems with the new system. If you have been having one of these issues, please try the system again to see if your problem has now been fixed. Thank you for your patience with the new online system as we work to improve the self-evaluation process for our VPP participants.
Over the past few weeks, there has been a trend in reoccurring error messages the sites have been experiencing. Beginning tonight at 7:00pm, IT staff will begin updating the online ASE to address the following technical issues.
Error messages and technical issues include:
1. Sites Unable to Self-Register or Create an Account:
The sites were receiving an error message, preventing self-registration, which reported their email address was too long. The behind the scene code limited the email address to 30 characters. This was particularly troubling for our DoD site civilian safety mangers and sites which included their entire company name in the email address.
Solution: The email address field will be increased to 100 characters. The new limit should provide more than enough space to accommodate all sites.
2. Sites Registering with Wrong Site ID
Despite our best efforts, some of the sites have self-registered with the wrong Site ID or selected the wrong Site from their choice list.
Solution: IT Staff will implement a code change which adds a confirmation feature where the user must enter Worksite ID twice and the application verifies both entries match before allowing user to submit their registration request.
3. Sites Reporting Updated Site Information was not Saved
The sites have reported that, after making changes in Section A: Summary Information, Table-A1 Participant Summary Sheet, their updates were not being saved. The instructions in the “Annual Self Evaluation Completion Instructions - Please note that the updated information may not appear at the top of the page and you have to scroll down to review the updated information. The updated information will also appear when you select the “Preview” tab. did not appear to be intuitive enough for the sites to understand where their updated information will appear. (page 4 in the attached file)
Solution: In Section A: Summary Information, Table-A1 Participant Summary Sheet, IT Staff will change the command button label from ‘Edit’ to 'Submit Profile Change' and add a screen tool tip stating: 'Changes to Summary Profile are displayed in the Preview Section/Screen at the button of the report'. Hopefully, this will reduce or eliminate the confusion.
4. Sites reporting they cannot enter zero for their TCIR and DART rates
This error message has proven to be challenging. Early on, the sites who registered when the ASE was first launched, reported this error message. IT staff determined there was a business rule in the code which prevented zero from being inserted into the internal calculations. IT Staff uploaded a fix for this a few weeks ago. However, the fix proved to be perplexing and an intermittent problem persisted. Since the fix, the vast majority of sites are able to enter and save zeros, however some sites are still receiving this error message and will be contacted by IT staff for one on one sessions to resolve their issue.
For the vast majority of sites who were able to enter and save zeros for their TCIR and DART, there is now a reoccurring error message that TCIR and DART cannot be zero. This error message is being generated for the sites who have completed their ASE and are in the Preview Section checking the Acknowledgement box and trying to submit their data. IT Staff have determined that there is a validation calculation in the code which is reviewing all calculations before accepting the final data. The validation check is causing the error message to be displayed.
Solution: IT staff will be uploading code changes to remove this error message. Beginning tomorrow morning, these sites will be able to acknowledge and submit their ASE with zero in the TCIR and DART fields.
After the upload tonight, IT staff will perform quality control checks and explore the online ASE for “unintended consequences”.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you, and thanks for persevering with us through these issues.