Each day we want to highlight a few workshops from our Conference's agenda so our participants know what to expect for our 2016 VPPPA Region II Conference. To have more information about other workshops access our Agenda page where you can find the list of all workshops we will have during our conference.
Date: May 24th 10:00 - 11:30 | Room: Making Better Workplaces Construction & General Industry Carousel D-F
1- Company information, L. G. White Safety Corporation, possibly Capital Safety Company.
2- What should be covered in Aerial Work platform (AWP) Training including classroom and hands-on equipment training
3- Pre-operation inspections
4- Tag-out procedures
5- Equipment operating requirements/procedures
6- Fall Protection: Use of all protection equipment in AWP's. Can include othe areas as well (ex. horizontal lifelines/engineered systems, passive vs active fall protection, rooftop fall protection, required fall clearance distances, ABCD's of fall protection, etc.)
Lawrence G. White | President of L.G. White Safety Corporation
Mathew E. White | Vice-President of L.G. White Safety Corporation
Randy A. White | Vice-President of L.G. White Safety Corporation