Region 2 VPP Sites:
Information on free FEMA webinars below.
Thank you for participating in the Voluntary Protection Program.
National Preparedness Month Lunch and Learn Webinar Series
FEMA Region II is celebrating National Preparedness Month by hosting “Lunch and Learn” webinars every Tuesday in September from 12 – 12:30 PM ET.
Learn how you can prepare yourself, your family and your community for emergencies. FEMA Region II staff will provide important tips from each of our divisions – preparedness, grants, mitigation, response and recovery.
September 1: Individual and Family Preparedness. Register!
September 8: Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program (AFG). Register!
September 15: FEMA's Role in Response. Register!
September 22: Mitigation Steps for the Homeowner. Register!
September 29: Prepare to Recover. Register!
FEMA’s Ready Campaign promotes National Preparedness Month every September to encourage individual, family, and community disaster and emergency planning. The 2020 theme is “Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today.” This year’s campaign will also focus on personal preparedness during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. See the weekly themes below and learn more by visiting Ready.gov.
Week 1: Sept 1-5 Make A Plan
Week 2: Sept 6-12 Build A Kit
Week 3: Sept 13-19 Prepare for Disasters
Week 4: Sept 20-26 Teach Youth About Preparedness