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Upcoming Free Training

Seven Serious Violations – Are You Ready for an Inspection--July 11, 2017

Year after year, the list of OSHA’s most-frequently cited “serious” violations remains basically the same. Unfortunately for workers, many companies have not yet successfully addressed all of the components of these important standards. The standards examined will include: Hazard Communication, Respiratory Protection Lockout/Tagout, Powered Industrial Trucks, Electrical-Wiring Methods, Electrical-General Requirements, Machine Guarding.

This class will aid students in uncovering the shortcomings in their own programs. Students will have the opportunity to discuss their workplace issues and current safety programs with other students, and develop action plans for those areas needing improvement.

Controlling Workplace Hazards – Getting Everyone Involved--July 12, 2017

Day two of training will move participants from the identification and planning stages developed in day one to the development of ways to mobilize an action plan involving all levels of their organizations. This class will provide students the opportunity to: 1) Discuss and determine employee involvement and plans that could be beneficial in the identification and control of hazards and hazardous materials (2) Share information about the successful safety and health activities in their companies. (3) Determine and establish how various, levels of their organization should participate in the action plan. (4) Learn tactics to improve the involvement of upper management in the overall safety-related mission as well as specific events (5) Define and describe the type and extent of training needed throughout the organization to assure people at all levels are knowledgeable about safety program elements.

Ten Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Safety Program--July 13, 2017

Based on a book written by the instructor, Joseph M. Cwikla, CSP this course focused on common avoidable “mistakes” that companies often make that damage their safety cultures. It will help attendees evaluate their safety programs and understand: (1) Why well intentioned safety initiatives often fail. (2) How some safety efforts can be counter-productive. And (3) How the structure of the program and each and every employee contribute to its success or failure. It will also provide attends with ideas on how to correct these “mistakes” and help them develop plans for continuous improvement.

Each participant will bring back to their business a new mentality, heightened awareness of safety & health issues, valuable materials to assist them in identifying and solving safety problems and tools to assist in the development of a more positive safety culture.

To register for this FREE Training call 518-438-2365 or email

All classes are held at Northeastern New York Safety & Health Council, 45 Colvin Avenue, Albany, NY from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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